Monday, 10 August 2015


Here are some photo sets I'm truly proud to post.

After exams, I contacted a blogger I had the huge pleasure of meeting at a London meet-up with YouTube newbie sensations, The Line Up. At that time, we had not only graced each others' lives with our presence, but also irrevocably sparked a friendship that would take us to our next meeting point and beyond - this very breezy photo session.

To me, Dhawa was a breath of fresh air! I don't know about you, but if you are acquainted with the blogging/social-media scene, it is not difficult to admit that we spend an awful amount of time browsing the platforms dominated by a very select few, all undeniably winning in the game of genetics and leading lifestyles only heiresses could boast before the digital age. To the outside world, they have made it - brand deals, champagne soirees, front-row seats, jet-setting cosmopolitan lifestyles. Social media is selective. Unless you happen to stumble on a newbie in the microscopic corners of the Internet, more often than not, attention is mediated on the big guns. It's rare to see them arduously forging their path of recognition. They appear in their final stages, already waving the wand of experience, and leaving us wondering how they managed to get from obscurity to Inter-web fame. And everyone wants a piece of that cake.

Dhawa and I had been talking for a few weeks after first meeting, where I expressed to her my interest in collaborating. I would shoot her for my own personal photography portfolio and for her to use on her blog, A Little Late. It was refreshing to talk to someone who is not blindly racing for super-stardom, but just entirely focused on taking it one-step-at-a-time. No shortcuts, no pretensions of an unrealistically glamorous life social-media allows you to create. 

She is in one word - real.

There is only motivation, passion, creative integrity, and like most of us, pure hard work and tenacity in whatever we choose to do.

Where to find Dhawa:

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