Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Hi, hello, salutations.

It seems like I'm having to reintroduce myself after the inexcusable, year-long *sqiurm* period of absence. A lot of things have changed since my last post which may or may not explain the blinding gap of nothingness between then and now. One of them has been starting an educational institution more widely known as university.

University and living in halls (or dorms) has no doubt been an experience. So far, its been everything I expected and everything I did not at the same time. Despite what people say on TheStudentRoom, I have not been eating beans on toast for every meal, nor has living with no ensuite bathroom in squalid hall conditions been as frightening as I’d thought. Yes, we’ve more than occasionally been denied cold - I repeat - cold water in the kitchen. We’ve also had lack of hot water in showers at certain times, which let me tell you is not fun after a night out and having crawled out of bed for that one lecture nobody seems to attend. And whilst we’ve even had no water full stop, I dare to say how surprised I was not to freak out and go packing (just want to add that I do consider myself a generally very clean human). The experience has indeed bought everyone living in my halls closer together.

In all seriousness, living away from home couldn’t have been more timely. Not that I dislike staying with family and of course having food cooked for me, but nothing beats the feeling of finally stretching out new inexperienced feet, falling over a few times, but finding success at the end of the tunnel when you feel like you don’t need anyone to constantly pick you up and brush you down - I do that all by myself now. Of course, living in London has played a huge role in all of this. The urban, gritty, vibes just plucks at every adventurous tendon in my body. I feel like a right Londoner when I know which tubes to avoid during rush hour.

I guess most of all, I didn’t realise how sheltered I was before university. The feeling of freedom and empowerment from having to survive on your own and being able to make your decisions that only you can make for yourself is what hits home for me. This may be the “growing up and finding yourself” part that has been uttered to me uncountable times before uni. And with great power comes great responsibility. Or something like that…

TK MAXX Neoprene Contrast Sweater
Urban Outfitters Military Skirt
&OtherStories Loafers
Umbro Socks

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